Foundations and special undergound works

1438 – Grottaminarda (AV)

Foundation diaphragms execution work

ITALFERR S.p.A. - Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A.

Period of Execution:
April 2021 – December 2023

Works Amount:
7.398.000,00 €


Works for the execution of diaphragms of bulkheads and foundation elements, as part of the execution of works related to the works on the Naples-Bari railway line Apice-Hirpinia section for wbs: VI01 (P12-P13-P14-P15) – VI02 (P2-P3-P4-P5). The works will be carried out in compliance with the Code of Ethics, Suppliers’ Code of Conduct, Legality Protocol and in the Anticorruption Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
Execution of diaphragms, 120 cm thick with a hydromill and/or with a biting bucket, for soils represented by continuous alternations of limestone and clay and due to the presence of rocky outcrops and inclusions in the clay matrix in the excavation section, for the entire depth and installation of pre-formed steel reinforcement cages with improved adherence and casting of cement mix of type B 450 C. of strength class 30 N/mm2.
Two Bauer machines, an MT96 and a BG 45 accompanied by two BC30 and BC 32 cutter bodies, were used for diaphragm excavation.The service cranes used were a Liebherr HS 855 and a Sennebogen 2200.Excavation of the diaphragms was carried out using bentonite packed with Mat 230 K mixing plants, and panel desanding performed with Bauer BE 250 plant.