Foundations and special undergound works

1430 – Napoli – Stazione di Vittorio

Modernization and upgrading of the Alifana railroad - Execution of diaphragms by using hydromill - Di Vittorio station

Metro Campania NordEst srl EAV srl

Period of Execution:
October 2020 – May 2022

Works Amount:


The diaphragm wall work for the upcoming Underground Station – Di Vittorio Station was carried out near to the Capodichino Civil Airport, and the Airport authorities decided on the limitations in terms of the heights of operation of machines and equipment in order to ensure the safety of flight operations and the full functionality of all flight control and assistance systems. The approved maximum allowable elevation was 103.00 from corree altitude of +90.70 m asl.

Execution of specialised diaphragm wall construction works using hydro milling machines for th econstruction of civil works on the Secondigliano-Di Vittorio (Closed Station) railway section between the progressive kilometres 2+057.94 and 3+346.00 in Naples. Execution of diaphragms, 120 cm thick with hydro-milling machine with a mini cutter mounted to respect the height limitations in pyroclastic soils represented by alternating pozzolan and sand.

To excavate the diaphragms, a Bauer MT 130 machine was used, accompanied by a minicutter equipped with tools for constant verticality control. The service crane used was a Casagrande C400 with jib l = 12.00 in compliance with the height limitations for the installation of reinforcement cages with a maximum length of 7.00 metres. The excavation of the diaphragms was carried out using bentonite slurry packaged with a MAT 230 K mixing plant and the desanding of the panels performed with a double Bauer BE 250 plant. For the containment of the bentonite slurry used in the excavation phase, a single cask of approximately 800 cubic metres was mounted, with a diameter of 12 metres and a height of approximately 10 metres due to the impossibility of using very high iron silos. Two silos with a height of less than 12 metres were mounted to supply the bentonite powder.